3rd Quarter Report Card Pick Up

There have been a few questions regarding Q3 Parent-Teacher conferences. 


First, given tomorrow is a scheduled Parent-Teacher conference day, there are no expectations for remote learning to occur.  


Second, at minimum, staff members should be virtually (email, video, phone call) available to connect with parents for four hours during parent-teacher conference days. If staff members can’t confer with all parents on the scheduled parent-conference days, schools are encouraged to schedule additional conference times through Friday, May 1

Finally, just like in-person parent-teacher conferences, schools should tracked and verify family virtual conference participation data using the Aspen. For 3rd quarter, elementary schools will have until Monday, May 4 at 5 p.m. and high schools will have until Tuesday, May 5 at 5 p.m. to indicate which student report cards were discussed via virtual parent-teacher conferences.  

 Please reach out if you have additional questions.